Sanā and Sanaism

Sanā was a religious figure who lived 1784 years ago in Agarthian Continent. She was born as Saniya Kęraśta in the year 2006 Anno Imperii in a city now called Azadeva, which was regnal capital of the mighty Vattānian Empire. Sanā was spouse to the twenty-fifth vedānan. Vedānan were a group of royal priests who were so prominent as a socio-political force that they could determine the fate of empires in the Agarthian Continent. They were a neutral entity among the empires of east but acted behind the curtains for their [prophetic] plans. During what is known as "The Great Conflict of factions", internal disorders among the Vedānan led to rise of a prophet (Sanā) who brought end to all the factionalism, uniting them under the Sanaist Order, making it ever more powerful than Vedānans could ever imagine.

Sanaism is a way of life that emphasized upon discipline, loyalty-unto-death and absolute adherence to the doctrines propounded by Sanā, as the basis of law and all social and personal relations. There exist only few entities like Avanti and Vridā, whose population does not practice Sanaist order but they are all obliged to follow the annual commandments of the order because of their weakened political and military position.

About Author

I am an explorer and have a great ardour for History as a subject. I am fascinated by the ancient human civilizations and cultures, of whom I ardently read. I think cultures are like an organism who follow the same life cycles as that of other organisms. The first wild breath, that creates them and leads them forward; the youthful fierce and beauty of violence that endures the great hardships; the apparent wisdom of old; and eventual death from weakness, tolerance and utter decay.

I was exposed to history books from my childhood due to my father's diligence who was fond of History as well. The first thing we read about was the history of Americas which did not interest us at all, but one day while in twelfth grade, we came across the history of Vattan clan and they really fascinated us for their political maneuvers and prowess. While studying about their decline as a political force, we were bound to learn of Sanā. We were fascinated by their persona and decided to dedicate my studies about Sanā and Sanaists who dominated the political domain for a longer time period than any other entity in Human history. Diary notes contain elaborate account of our ventures in search for Sanā; Glossary contains the definition of certain terms which are not a part of english language or their definitions differ in those particular contexts; Philosopher's Stone contains an account of Sanā's philosophy; and The Lost Tale contains an account of Sanā's life and death and also includes an anecdote of the contemporary Agarthian Continent.